We come to an end of our Facts White Paper. After a few weeks of publishing, we will collate everything into a final white paper along with some extra images to support the published facts. These questions, although posed, are not concrete in their answers given that a form of nescience may be present.

Everything published in Facts Parts 1 through 47 is designed to get you thinking where you came from and what this Commonwealth of Australia actually is. It is therefore out in the open to rebut each of the facts and to address and to debate the questions posed relative to the core line of authority given the continue distrust by a growing proportion of the population.

I would like to thank Graeme King for his patience and knowledge in helping collate the numbered facts. With his help we have been able to layout the questions relative to a limited number of core facts that of course can be evidenced with more facts if required.

The 13 questions are designed to alert the reader to some known problems that exist relative to the historical record of this Commonwealth of Australia and are open to interpretation. Answers here are given based upon the evidences available and are open to rebuttal given evidence of proof they are incorrect.

EDIT: The reader should be aware of Criminal Code 1995 Section 80.3 and the ability to question the validity of office of any part of the Governance of Australia including the line of authority into the Crown. This used to be covered by Crimes Act 1914 Section 24F but was repealed in National Security Acts 2018, therefore is changed to s.80.3 as stated above.

We will collate all the works and bind them into a single white paper as we move forward and onto our next project of discovering what is the blessing of Almighty God.

Our work is not easy and is also time consuming.

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Without your support we would not have been able to directly challenge the jurisdictions within the court room in the first place. Everyone is well aware of the silent position the Attorney General of Australia has taken over the years.

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Over the years Steven has collected a plethora of memorabilia and historical items and information including a bookshelf full of texts as well as items from all across Australia all of which is historical record that can be displayed.

Putting all of this into a retail environment is however, very costly.

You can help continued efforts of collating facts and teaching through blog posts. You can support ongoing legal claims relative to your Civil and Political Rights. You can help support a physical location serve knowledge and food.

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As we move forward the Facts Part Series will eventually be collated together and configured in a downloadable PDF White Paper to add to the other white papers. This series on its own is a complete document with some hard hitting questions whose answers may not be forthcoming in reality any time soon.

We delve further into this background of knowledge as we look into the core of the Constitution itself and the trinity that forms the first part of the document in its Preamble wherein the people united under the blessing of Almighty God, under a Kingdom and under a Constitution and Country.

Our next series will look into these opening statements a little deeper as we discover what is the blessing of Almighty God and why the premise of being under these three things, God, King and Country. Following on from the legal precepts, the law arguments that everyone constantly has, we must delve into the question that becomes, what is this blessing of Almighty God.

If the Constitution is under a Kingdom and that Kingdom under a blessing of Almighty God we must look at this blessing and define what it means to be under that blessing and by Almighty God as well. And this is where we will delve next, opening a door to a faith that existed that forged a kingdom for a Constitution to be under in the first place.

PS. There is no Facts Part 41. It is a mistake in numbering wherein 41 was missed altogether. I would re-number the rest of the Facts Parts but that screws up Word Press Page Naming so I will not bother fixing it here. The whole Facts Document will be published to PDF eventually making this a non event.

PS. Thankyou to those who have already sent through small donations.