Question 10: Application of the Australia Act 1986 concerning the rights of residents within the States to Referendum of change of a line of authority with the States of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Answer 10: Section 51 of the Commonwealth of Australia is a limited power established by the Constitution at which several actions have addressed that power conferred on the Commonwealth of Australia by the people of the States as per the Preamble of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900.

Sovereignty confers powers to the Constitution under the blessing of Almighty God and the Crown as defined by the Preamble to the Constitution Act.  The blessing of Almighty God is defined by the Stone of Remembrance in the Shrine of Remembrance in the Kings Domain lifting Holy Ground out of International Waters.

This was effectively done by the Australian Imperial Forces coming to Armistice at the end of the Great War 1919 wherein the Shrine of Remembrance shines light on the Stone of Remembrance at the hour at which Armistice was declared in Peace.  Peace Treaties at the Treaties of Versailles defined the Sovereignty of Australia giving it land borders in international laws.

The effect of this Sovereignty allowed the Commonwealth of Australia to join the League of Nations as an independent nation who was no longer under the governance of the former state that had governed it.  This Sovereignty was then further declared in Imperial Conference 1926 wherein the Commonwealth of Australia did request of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to be separated at law from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

This then led to the Proclamation by George V to change Style and Title after request from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland parliament in Royal Style and Parliamentary Title Act 1927.  This was then again followed with Statute of Westminster 1931 wherein the United Kingdom of Great Britain post style and title did sever all ability to make law or repeal the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 did then confirm these actions after Robert Menzies did commit Act of Treason in 1939 by declaring wars of aggression for the Commonwealth of Australia by a Foreign Power.  John Curtin did then ensure that the actions of Robert Menzies would not occur again by defining clearly the separation of the Colonial Courts of Admiralty and the Merchant Shipping Laws in the Commonwealth of Australia. 

John Curtin’s actions are clearly in redress of Robert Menzies going outside of the powers conferred in the Peace Treaties of Versailles, the Imperial Conference 1926 and the Statute of Westminster Act 1931.

Anderson vs Commonwealth 1925 is a clear demonstration that the States were delivered by the short hand “tradition brevi manu”, making the Commonwealth of Australia under the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia the body politic.  It is clear that the actions of the sugar industry in the State of Queensland were seen to be a Commonwealth responsibility. It is also clear that the Commonwealth of Australia was a sovereign entity in its own right due to the actions post the Great War 1914-1918.

The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia is subordinate to the Royal Law in the Scripture being on the Shoulder of Christ. This means that it is subordinate to the people of Australia whom united to form that Federal Commonwealth of Australia in an indissoluble Federal Commonwealth through Debates of Federation.

The Title to the Australia Act defines a contradiction to the decisions in Anderson v Commonwealth 1925 in that the States are already definitively part of the Commonwealth in full.  The Statute of Westminster 1931 had already defined what the State was requesting under Section 1 of the Act pursuant to section 51(23) of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution.

The State of the Commonwealth was in effect asking for powers not conferred to it where in they have declared that the Parliament of each State include the full power to make laws, for the peace, order and good government of the State with extra territorial operation.

The State did attempt without referendum of the people to override the people of the States that had already united in a Federal Commonwealth so as to act without Royal Power conferred in the Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act under the blessing of Almighty God defined in the Stone of Remembrance.

The State of Queensland did remove the Governors ability to hold Bills for Assent in the name of the Sovereign, and did also did remove any right of appeal to Her Majesty in Council.  The State did also remove the instructions of office of the Governor of Queensland, and without consideration for the Sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Australia has allowed the Premier to appoint the Governor and override the Royal Law in the Governor of the State of Queensland.

You cannot keep patching the laws to make a lie real.  The Sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Australia was forged by the sacrifice of 62,000 Australian Imperial Forces defining the Stone of Remembrance within the Kings Domain.  The Queen of the United Kingdom by Titles including Australia, Canada, and other Realms and Territories did take Oath and Ceremony in lineage of George IV upon the Stone of Scone making Australia a State of the Commonwealth of British Nations.  The Queen did not coronate the Realm of the Holy See of Australia as per the Stone of Remembrance in the Kings Domain under the Royal Law in the Holy Scripture.

Changes to the Federal Commonwealth after the demise of the Currency in the Currency Act 1965 did see subsequent consecration of the Admiralty Ensign on 1st March 1967 under Roman Catholic Bishop.  This then did see in Secret Meetings starting with Robert Menzies second term of office through to Gough Whitlam where in the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain did enact change to the Commonwealth of Australia including the shutting down of the Prime Minister’s Office including second, third and fourth division offices under the Prime Minister. These actions in secret did change the Oath of Allegiance, Royal Style and Title, the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia, the National Anthem, and did so without Referendum of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia whom had united by Debates of Federation.

Executive Government of the Commonwealth of Australia had effectively abandoned office, and replaced the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia with the Great Seal of Australia against the will of the people.

The Australia Act 1986 did then conform the States of this new Australia with its executive governance and allow the States to remove Royal Powers of Her Majesty replacing them with Executive Powers of the Premier of State.

It is also evident that the States did attempt to undermine the Line of Authority in the Stone of Remembrance in 1999 when they again did pose through the State Governments an attempt to request of the Federal Executive Government to become a Republic of Australia.

John Howard did commit Act of Treason in 1999 in attempt to undermine Her Majesty as Head of the Commonwealth of British Nations in speech to Parliament in 1995 after the Prime Minister at the time Paul Keating did propose becoming a Republic.  These actions are clearly in the line of Robert Menzies ideology, whom also did commit Act of Treason declaring war on behalf of a Foreign Power.

John Howard did disregard Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 when proposing by Referendum to install Preamble to the Australian Constitution.  He did also attempt by referendum to get the people of Australia to abandon the line of Authority in that preamble, and the associated changes post Great War 1914-1918, to accept a Republic of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia turning into mere Australia member of the Commonwealth of British Nations in 1973 is a gross undermining of the Commonwealth of Australia under the blessing of Almighty God.

The States attempting to undermine the links to the Sovereignty of the Stone of Remembrance in the Kings Domain albeit clearing up the language of the States Constitutions and office of Governor from language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland is gross incompetence given the Imperial Conference 1926 and Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1931.

It seems as though since 1967 when Papist Bishop did conscecrate Admiralty Ensign, that the States have attempted to align with a foreign executive power defined in Secret Meetings leading to the sacking of the Whitlam Government in 1975 and the replacement of the Officer of the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, with the Governor General of Australia.  The officer of the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia could be considered an abandoned office sine die.

It is of direct concern, that the so called Queen of Australia did take Coronation Oath whilst above the Stone of Scone under the Royal Law in the Scripture, and did take Title of the United Kingdom of Great Britain defining her other Realms and Territories.  A King (or Queen) cannot rule more than one Realm, and did not take Coronation in accordance with the Royal Law in the Kings Domain of the Commonwealth of Australia being the Kingdom of Australia.

Conclusion 10: This Australian Government is kidding itself if it thinks that it can be an independent Sovereign Country whilst the Queen of the United Kingdom did take in Oath of Coronation above the Stone of Scone being Holy separate from the defined Stone of Remembrance in the Kings Domain. The Queen of Australia by title does not detract from this fact under the blessing of Almighty God.

The changes to the Admiralty in 1967 are linked to Papist Bishop within an Anglican Protestant Commonwealth of Australia of the Holy See of Australia, formerly a Bishopric of the Church of England.  Queen Elizabeth the Second has demonstrated Papist roots in the St Edwards Crown and by display of Coinage showing the Pope’s effigy.

The States have attempted to align themselves with different entity than that of the Sovereign Commonwealth of Australia as displayed by the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia under Edward VII, George V, George VI and the former seal by Elizabeth II.  In changing the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia for the Great Seal of Australia, this Federal and Executive Power have abandoned the Commonwealth of Australia.

The States have attempted to claim executive powers over and above the constitution by removing the powers of Royal Prerogative and installing executive power in the Premier to oversee full laws and power for peace, order and good governance.  The Common Law rests with the Commonwealth of Australia, and the States being Public Entities ‘brevi manu’ to that Commonwealth of Australia, the States have grossly underestimated the knowledge of the Australian People to discover what they have been told to Remember in the Kings Domain. Lest we forget!

The States have attempted to align their authority in the Great Seal of Australia without referendum of the people.  And this Australian Government has changed the line of authority that stems out of the Kings Domain for its own executive benefit.