Question 9: Application of the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 installed mid World War 2 and the actions of Robert Menzies former Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia during 1939 and relative to the action of Treason to the Realm of the Holy See of Australia.

Answer 9: The Commonwealth of Australia participated in the Great War 1914-1918 at which it came to Peace at the Treaties of Versailles 1919 defining specific borders of the Commonwealth of Australia before International Nations in treaties of the world stage.

This did then see the Commonwealth of Australia join the League of Nations as an independent nation at which the agreements upon entering the League of Nations in 1919 defined the separation of the a State that formerly governed it.

The Commonwealth of Australia of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 was an agreement between the people of the States and not the States themselves to govern themselves and as detailed in Clause 8 of the Act made the people a colony of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Their peace defined at the Treaty of Versailles, saw the people as a Sovereign and independent Commonwealth of Australia with the Government as independent State of that Commonwealth of Australia separated from the former United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

This did envoke the creation of the Shrine of Remembrance laying down Stone of Remembrance as the corner stone and foundation stone to the Realm of the Holy See of Australia formerly created under the Church of England in 1838.

Imperial Conference 1926 saw the dividing of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland making the Commonwealth of Australia separate and independent in Title as per the agreements that allowed it to join the League of Nations 1919.

These agreements were ratified by the Commonwealth of Australia at the Imperial Conference 1926 upon request of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.  This request brought about the Statute of Westminster 1931 wherein the United Kingdom of Great Britain did then sever any ability to create laws or rule over this newly independent Commonwealth of Australia.

The Statute of Westminster 1931 did make specific change to the Admiralty Act of 1890 and the Merchant Shipping Act of 1894 making the Commonwealth of Australia separate in Constitutional Law and that of the Admiralty defined in Clause 5 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain did declare war on the 3rd September 1939 at which Prime Minister Robert Menzies did then declare war on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia within one to three hours of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Robert Menzies did not seek Parliamentary Approval for the declaration of war, nor did he act in the Kingdom of Australia so defined under Imperial Conference 1926 leading to the foundations stone being the Stone of Remembrance becoming the cornerstone of the Realm of the Holy See of Australia. In the words of Robert Menzies he did state “Great Britain has declared war upon her, and that, as a result, Australia is also at war” demonstrating his actions.

Robert Menzies did commit Act of Treason to the Realm as per King v Casement 1917 leading to his successor to office of Prime Minister John Curtin bringing troops home from war declared by Robert Menzies.

Robert Menzies did commit Commonwealth of Australia Defence Forces to wars of aggression on behalf of a foreign power being the United Kingdom of Great Britain ignoring foundation stone in the Shrine of Remembrance making the Commonwealth of Australia an independent power and realm.

Robert Menzies did ignore foundations forged out of the Great War 1914-1918 and the changes made in Armistice of that war seeing the Commonwealth of Australia join the League of Nations as an independent Nation freed from the State that formerly governed it.  In doing this he allowed a foreign power which had defined in Statute of Westminster 1931 to manage wars of aggression on behalf of Australians.

John Curtain did then side with the United States of America and declare war on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia independent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Robert Menzies had declared war on behalf of a foreign Admiralty at which John Curtin defining through Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 the reinforcement of Statute of Westminster 1931 within the Laws of the Commonwealth of Australia.

This effected the Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 not to apply, as well as ensuring that the Dominion of the Commonwealth of Australia was no longer a colony under Clause 8 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900.

This did then also effect within the Commonwealth of Australia that the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and the Courts of Admiralty under the Admiralty Act 1890 and the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890 did then cease to have any effect on the Commonwealth of Australia as defined in the Statute of Westminster 1931.

Section 7 of the Statute of Westminster did already sever the ability for the United Kingdom of Great Britain to effect the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, and did also already sever the Merchant Shipping and Admiralty Acts putting Robert Menzies in direct conflict under declaring war for the Realm of the Holy See of Australia as per King v Casement 1917.

John Curtin then went on to demonstrate the Commonwealth of Australia’s ability to declare war on its own merits outside of the United Kingdom of Great Britain by siding with the United States in wars of aggression in 1942.

Conclusion 9: It is without question that Robert Menzies did in fact declare war on behalf of the United Kingdom of Great Britain entering wars of aggression on behalf of a foreign power and entering a world war at which Australia had no interest in being a part of.

Robert Menzies did in fact commit an Act of Treason as per King v Casement 1917 by ignoring the foundations to the Realm of the Holy See of Australia as an Anglican Protestant foundation.

The changes made in declarations of Peace and the joining of the League of Nations saw the Commonwealth of Australia obligated to the ongoing peace declared in the Covenant of the League of Nations 1919.

The Commonwealth of Australia, under the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia was an independent and sovereign country that had the ability to command wars of aggression on its own behalf.

The Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 installed under Prime Minister John Curtin did declare very specifically the severing of His Majesties Ships of War under the Merchant and Admiralty Shipping Acts of 1890 and 1894. 

Robert Menzies can therefore be defined very clearly to have committed Commonwealth of Australian Defense Forces to wars of aggression on behalf of a foreign power to the Commonwealth of Australia being a direct act of Treason to the Realm so defined by the cornerstone being the Stone of Remembrance in the Shrine of Remembrance at which we are told not to forget, and always remember.

There was no requirement to install the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 other than to open a door back to London via request and consent which was already defined in the Statute of Westminster Act 1931. Other than opening a link to Her Majesties Ships of war, there is no other requirement raised out of the Statute that was not already provided elsewhere.

A re-alignment with the United States immediately after the withdrawal from links to the United Kingdom demonstrates how this Admiralty change affected the Commonwealth of Australia during conflict.