Question 8: Letters Patent 1984 and Letters Patent 2008 of Australia concerning the validity of the Office of Governor General of Australia and the abandonment of the Office of the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Answer 8: At the forging of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 the Crown defined the Office of the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia under the lineage defined in the Preamble to the Constitution Act.

The Governor-Generals powers were defined at Section 2 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution as being subject to “this Constitution” which is defined at Clause 9 of the Constitution Act.

At the forming of Office, the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia was issued with Letters Patent 1900 which at Section 3 defines the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.  This Great Seal was used specifically by Edward VII and George V with slightly altered styling on the State of Queensland State Shield.

The Sum of ten thousand pounds being silver currency was defined as payment for the Governor-General at Clause 3 of the Constitution Act defining its source out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Section 4 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution defines Provisions relating to the Governor-general whereas at Section 63 goes on to define Provisions referring to the Governor General.  Section 70 relates to powers of the Governors of the States to be vested in the Governor-General keeping a line of authority of the Imperial Crown between the Commonwealth of Australia as a parent body to the States.

Judicial Tenure is the responsibility of the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia with the judiciary under Oath as per the Schedule to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution in the lineage defined by the Schedule and the Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900.

At the closing of the Prime Minister’s Office ‘sine die’ in 1971, the Office of the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia was under the scrutiny of Secret Meetings which sat many times before 1973.  These meetings are mostly now available in the National Archives after National Secrets released after 40 years saw them published.

The change of naming of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution into the Australian Constitution reflects change of Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia into the Great Seal of Australia and is outside of the lineage provided by the Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 and outside of the line of authority provided in the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Great Seal of Australia 1973 followed in the lowering of the Admiralty Ensign in 1967 and the consecration of the White Ensign currently in use by Catholic Papist Bishops.  This demonstrates the influence by a foreign faith to that of the Anglican Protestant Foundation forged by Australian Imperial Forces, ancestors of the Commonwealth giving by inheritance to their Sons of this Commonwealth of Australia.

Royal Warrant issuing Great Seal of Australia is outside of the line of authority and without rule of law to the Commonwealth of Australia under Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.  Letters Patent 1984 occurred eleven years after the change of Great Seal, and reconstituted the Office of the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia in literal abandonment of jurisdiction to a foreign faith. 

The title of Commander-in-Chief was removed from the Governor-General in 1984, which becomes clear when you take into account the comments of former Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Fraser wherein he states that Australia has given up its Sovereignty in matters of Peace and War to the United States.

The States did then attempt to abandon their office, forcing the Governor’s of the States out of jurisdiction in the Australia Act 1986 and putting the full power of the State into the hands of the Office of Premier.  It becomes clear when you comprehend the change of the Commonwealth of Australia into Australia that the States did override the will of the People to united in a Federal body politic and subvert their rule of law by linking to this Australian Government now with reconstituted Office of Governor-General of Australia under Great Seal issued outside of law in 1973.

The people of the Commonwealth of Australia conned out of their very Sovereignty wherein the people themselves united in a Federal Commonwealth, with the States now deciding for the people to unite in an Administrating Body under a foreign line of authority.

With the Office of Governor General since Quentin Bryce in 2008, and the Attorney General through George Brandis and now Christian Porter remaining completely silent on any questioning of authority it is very clear that the people have lost any power they did have in their own unity through Debates of Federation. 

This follows through with the complete silence by Governors of State, Premiers of State and the Judicial Jurisdiction of State in so far as judicial members mocking and manipulating any private civilian for so much as bringing this to their attention.

Conclusion 8:  The point blank summation of these facts is that the Commonwealth of Australia and Australia are not one and the same, with the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia defaced and replaced with Great Seal of Australia devised in Secret Meetings against the will of the people at which by Referendum they would have had to have agreed to any change within the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Act July 1900 in specific line of authority defined in the Preamble to that Constitution Act.

The Office of Prime Minister was forcibly shut down with second, third and fourth division Public Service shut down along with it.  Being an abandoned office that remains ‘sine die’ it is clear it was replaced after the loss of admiralty powers.  The office of Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia was then also abandoned ‘sine die’ on the issuance of the Great Seal of Australia.

This would make Letters Patent 1984, and Letters Patent 2008 ‘ultra vires’ to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 and its sister document in Letters Patent 1900 where Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia was issued ‘in perpetuum’.

This being the case would then make a law created under the Great Seal of Australia outside of rule of law and the reason why former Attorneys-General George Brandis and Christian Porter remaining in complete silence when questioned and asked to prove their line of authority to hold rule of law.

Considering that this is the case, it could then be states that any law created under the Great Seal of Australia and any of the Public Seals of State post Australia Act 1986 would be a law made outside of rule of law, making them no law at all in the eyes of Almighty God.  This would make the laws of Australia questionable on an International Stage where as already stated by former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser are in the hands of the United States relative to matters of Peace and War.