Question 7: Application of Letters Patent 1900 and the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Public Seals of the States concerning the validity of the operation of a line of authority within the Commonwealth of Australia and its role in the Public Sector.

Answer 7: Letters Patent 1900 was created under specific Line of Authority being the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Imperial Crown as at 1900.  It was created to constitute the Office of Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia as per the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900.  Letters Patent issued at Section III the creation of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.

As at the issue of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution at Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA the States were owned by the Commonwealth of Australia by Constitution.

The States of the Commonwealth of Australia are the property of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Constitution Act.  The Preamble to the Constitution Act explains the reason, purpose, object and scope of the Act and is used to clarify meaning within the Constitution Act.

The States were issued with Public Seals having their Great Seals of Colony revoked making them Public Entities of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Constitution Act. The Preamble clearly defines the lineage through the blessing of Almighty God, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Constitution established.

After the Great War 1914-1918 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland saw to Imperial Conferences 1921 through 1926.  The Imperial Conference of 1926 did see the Commonwealth of Australia, under the signatory of Australia divided from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.  The United Kingdom by Royal Styles and Parliamentary Titles did become the United Kingdom of Great Britain in title.

The Shrine of Remembrance was created and constructed out of this change putting Foundation Stone, and Pillar to the Kingdom of Australia in place.  The King is the King of England, and cannot rule another Realm.  This would be repugnant at law seeing him at times be at war with himself.  The founded Realm under the blessing of Almighty God is forged from the Stone of Remembrance in the Shrine of Remembrance making the Commonwealth of Australia a realm separate to that of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Letters Patent 1900 is outside of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 as Royal Prerogative to constitute the Office of Governor-General within the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Act.  Letters Patent 1900 does not form part of the Legislation of Parliament, nor does it fall in the Governor-Generals jurisdiction to change. 

Letters Patent 1900 is issued by a specific Crown Authority being the Imperial Crown and cannot be revoked by Legislating it out of existence. NSW by legislation did abuse its powers to revoke Letters Patent 1900 in the year 1987 and being a State of the Commonwealth under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act is within the line of Authority defined in the Preamble to the Act.

Letters Patent 1900 did not authorize the issue of the Great Seal of Australia in 1973 which is clearly outside of the Line of Authority defined in Letters Patent 1900 and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 at the Preamble to the Act and the Schedule Oath.

The Office of Governor-General formed in the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution act is constituted by Royal Prerogative making Letters Patent 1900 outside of the Governor-Generals capacity to change the name of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Great Seal of Australia cannot apply to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act in 1973 making the Great Seal of Australia ultra vires at law.  Oaths of Office and Oaths of Allegiance are in line with the Preamble to the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Act, and the Line of Authority detailed in Letters Patent 1900.  The Governor-General of Australia, not being the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia is outside of office, and therefore outside of Law.

A law made outside of the law is no law at all.  This would mean that anything created, forged, formed, determined, and effected by the Governor-General of Australia is outside of law and no law at all since 1973.  With the States of the Commonwealth of Australia legislating what is outside of their power to legislate, the States themselves are outside of Law being outside of the Line of Authority defined in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900.

This “Australian Government” quotes the existence of the “Australian Constitution” which does not exist and should have no effect at law at all, and is outside of law, therefore no law at all.  The People agreed to unite under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act to sit in the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The lineage of the people being God, King and Country has been ignored, and the States have overwritten the will of the People under the blessing of Almighty God defining Stone of Remembrance as the cornerstone of their realm.

The Federal Government under the Great Seal of Australia did override the will of the people under the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia. The States did by government request the United Kingdom of Great Britain to modify law within Australia in the Australia Act 1986 in attempt to override the will of the people under the blessing of Almighty God.

The States have aligned themselves with a power outside of the Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, and the subsequent changes to the Commonwealth of Australia through Imperial Conference 1926 after the Treaty of Versailles 1919 and the joining of the League of Nations 1919.

The States under Public Seals are ultra vires to the Commonwealth of Australia as per the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act being aligned with Federal Body not defined in the Act or the changes post the Great War 1914-1918.  After changes to the Commonwealth of Australia in 1973 the States have without the voice of the people aligned with a power foreign to the Commonwealth of Australia.

Post changes to the Crown in Imperial Conference 1926 establishing Shrine of Remembrance with Stone of Remembrance being cornerstone of Australia, the Preamble is defined as the being under the Blessing of Almighty God, Kingdom of Australia, Commonwealth of Australia. The “Australian Government” is ultra vires to these foundations relying on Queen of Australia forged in 1973 outside of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 and Letters Patent 1900.

The Queen of Great Britain cannot at law be the Queen of Australia, being two separate and defined Realms of God forged out of Foundation Stones being the Stone of Scone and the Stone of Remembrance.  The Stone of Scone being the Stone of Scotland in union with England making them one body of people.  The Stone of Remembrance is separate and Holy from the Stone of Scone making the Queen in a repugnant position of being at war with herself.

Conclusion 7: The Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia was conferred to the Office of Governor General in Letters Patent 1900.  The change of the Great Seal to that of the Great Seal of Australia in 1973 is outside of Law and done in Secret Meetings with Queen Elizabeth the Second.  The Great Seal of Australia is ultra vires at law.

A law made outside of law is no law at all, and with Letters Patent occurring in 1984 removing the title of Commander in Chief from the Governor General, and the State of New South Wales legislating the removal of Letters Patent 1900 in 1987, it can be clearly demonstrated that Letters Patent 1900 did have full affect until the passing of the Australia Act 1986 wherein the power of the Governor of State and the Public Seal of State were changed to align with the Great Seal of Australia.

Letters Patent 1984 does not address the Great Seal of Australia which was issued in Royal Warrant 1973 created in Secret Meetings with a Queen not in Line of Authority under the blessing of Almighty God defining Stone of Remembrance in the Kings Domain.

The Queen of Great Britain cannot be Queen of Australia being two distinct Realms of God forged out of foundation stones.  Her oath above Stone of Scone is Holy and separate to that of the Stone of Remembrance.  She is in a repugnant position of being at war with herself, or she is the one Queen of the United Kingdom and territories by Titles.