Question 6: Application of Section 118 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act concerning the validity of the difference between Law, Public Acts and Records, and the Judiciary.

Recognition of laws etc. of States

Full faith and credit shall be given, throughout the Commonwealth to the laws, the public Acts and records, and the judicial proceedings of every State.

Answer 6: What includes therefore excludes by defining that which is included.  Secondly, that which separates is therefore separate by defining that separation.

Section 118 clearly defines the Laws separate to Public Acts and Record.  This is followed by Acts Interpretation Act 1954 Qld. Section 11 stating that all legislation of the State is Public Act and Record differentiating it from the Law. What is separated, is therefore separate.

The Common Law of the Commonwealth of Australia in which the people of the States did unite in an indissoluble Federal Body is defined through the Royal Law in the Scripture.  The Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act clearly defines this line of authority under the blessing of Almighty God.

The States of the Commonwealth were delivered at the short hand ‘traditio brevi manu’ to the Commonwealth of Australia when former colonies became States of the Commonwealth.  Clause 5 of the Constitution Act defines the line of authority that the States must adhere to putting them under the jurisdiction of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.  The States former Great Seal of the Colony were annulled and the States were issued with Public Seals of the State.

Every Act throughout the Commonwealth of Australia, including the States is subject to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. This means that no Act can exceed the powers derived in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

As per the Act of Settlement 1700 under Imperial Acts Application Acts of the States, the laws of England are the birthright of the people, this puts the Royal Law in the Holy Scripture in the core of the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Australia and all of the States delivered to that Commonwealth.

The faith of Christianity is part and parcel of the laws of England and therefore the laws and custom of the Commonwealth of Australia, Christianity is therefore part and parcel to our Common Laws, the Holy Scripture part of our Colonial Laws. Sovereignty is defined by the blessing of Almighty God in the preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and all laws, and public acts and record fall under the jurisdiction of Faith in God.

Religion forms the foundational claim of the Commonwealth of Australia raising the Holy Ground up out of International Waters.  The Parliaments of the Commonwealth and States are by Section 118 of the Constitution unable to legislate over these claims of faith forging the foundation stone in the Shrine of Remembrance after Armistice of the Great War 1914-1918.

According to the Holy Scripture the inheritance through the father is separate to Law, stating that Law shall not have dominion over man, and that law is sin.  The Social Contract in the Holy Scripture and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act define that blessing under Almighty God as the root of all law.

A line of authority in the Crown allows Rule of Law to exist in the first place, with the Constitution defining the rights of Private Persons as opposed to members of the public.  The title of the king as lord paramount is more than a mere title in that it is an office at which all law stems from.

The Federal Parliament represents the Estates of the Realm, the inheritance of God in which man has dominion in the Holy Fathers image.  The judiciary by Oath binds all Magistrates and Judges to the Crown and High Court Rules defines the law of England to be a law of the Commonwealth of Australia. This claim forms the foundation at which parliament is upon the shoulder of and by Oath of Allegiance all office of the judiciary is bound by the Schedule Oath in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution at Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

The Bill of Rights 1688 which under Imperial Acts Application Acts of the States clearly defines this faithful link through its Oath of Supremacy at which the Papal Powers, Prelates and Princes are outside of the law.  A law made outside of the law becomes no law at all.

The Common Law is built up by hundreds of years of history setting precedence by the judiciary are separated from the Law and Public Acts and Records.  The judiciary is supposed to be an impartial adjudicator of law by jurisdiction, or public acts and record by jurisdiction.

The people of the Commonwealth of Australia, subjects of the Monarch in line of authority to the Stone of Remembrance and the blessing of the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit are not members of the public.

The people of the Colonies did go through Debates of Federation and as a people did unite in one body politic of the Commonwealth of Australia.  As the colonies became States of that Federation and body politic they did give up their authority under Great Seals making the Common Law the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Australia.  The Judiciary Act 1903 defines that the Common Law shall prevail within the body of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The role of the States under Public Seal and the Public Service of the Commonwealth of Australia is Secular in nature and is supposed to deal with the business of the people including all forms of activity in the business affairs of life, the prosecution of a trade or employment and commercial dealings; such as the making of promissory notes, lending money, handling deeds and making business accountable.

Public Acts and Record are defined to organize and oversee the conduct of the government itself being the Public Service of the men of god.  Members of the Public are those in office with a sworn duty, or practiced duty to uphold the jurisprudence of the Public Service. It is very clear by case precedence that the people being subjects of the monarch are not members of the public unless they join the public service.

The people of the Commonwealth of Australia did devise through debates of Federation the requirement by Section 128 to go to referendum to change Constitutional Statutes, devised so that they cannot be repealed without further referendum of the people.  These Constitutional statutes become the Common Law being the consent of the people in change to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution.

Public Acts and record are designed to regulate the Public Service of the Commonwealth of Australia, including the States under Public Seals within a structure at which the public servants of the people are responsible to the people.

Conclusion 6: The people of the Commonwealth agreed through their unity in an indissoluble Federal Commonwealth to Common Laws based on the laws of England which are Christian by custom.  The blessing of Almighty God gave the people Ten Commandments to live by and defined the law as sin.  The custom by which the people held their rights became forged into the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act where at referendum the people did consent to the Laws of the Land.

The Public Servants of the Commonwealth of Australia and the States under their Public Seals became the conduit for the trade of the Commonwealth designed to manage the Public Assets of the Commonwealth of Australia for the people.

The Law is separate from Public Acts and Record, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia as subjects of the Crown agreed to consent to Common Laws in Constitutional Statutes that were defined by referendum of the people.

Public Acts and record are for regulating the Public Servants of the Commonwealth and the States to ensure that they are held accountable to the public assets of the people of the Commonwealth.

The States have since the change of Great Seal of the Commonwealth tricked the people into believing they are Members of the Public, and the Commonwealth of Australia has by pledge treated them as surety for National Debts through the bonds markets. 

The People of the Commonwealth of Australia given dominion and their sovereignty through the sacrifice of 62,000 Australian Imperial Forces have the blessing of Almighty God through the Stone of Remembrance to hold Common Laws as men of God, being the sons of the Commonwealth of Australia, inheriting the land of their forefathers in their image.

The people are subjects of God first, through the Sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Australia by Kingdom of Australia forged in the Kings Domain anchored by the Stone of Remembrance through the sacrifice of Kings Men in the Peace Treaties of 1919.