We have demonstrated through the first four questions that everything is referenced within our 128 presented facts. It is quite evident after having read all the Facts Parts posts what the subject matter is, and that it has been verified by reference.

For the rest of the questions, we will just pose the question and answer followed by a conclusion without linking back through all the facts posts. You should be able to reference the associated statements with the facts quite easily if you have read through each of the facts posts.

Question 5: Application of Section 117 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act concerning the Rights of Residents as subjects of the Crown of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Rights of residents in States

A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen resident in such other State.

Answer 5: To be a subject of the Monarch also involves the entity at which that Monarchy is the Supreme Head of.  To follow a head that is of a separate body is a mistake at law and opens the door to laws under that monarch being outside of law.

A line of authority is founded in God, and the Royal Law being the Holy Scriptures.  The Scripture defines the land claim to the estates by will of the father. One does not have to acknowledge the Monarchy of a foreign realm if the defined foundations according to God are defined in Holy Ground through the Armistice of World War One.

It is clearly defined through the act of joining the League of Nations that the Commonwealth of Australia is a Sovereign and Independent Realm no longer being governed by the State that formerly governed it.  This led to the creation of the Shrine of Remembrance and the defined cornerstone of the Realm of the Holy See of Australia in the Kings Domain.

The actions of ANZAC, Australian Imperial Forces on a world stage through the Armistice of the Great War 1914-1918 defined that independence in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.

This set in motion the Kingdom of Australia as defined under the blessing of Almighty God put in place through the signs giving rise to the Stone of Remembrance in the Kings Domain.  A subject of the Queen as per Section 117 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 is defined through Heirs and Successors whom saw World War I play out and define the independence of the Commonwealth of Australia.

To be a subject of the monarch according to law would therefore have to take into account the foundations of that monarchy in relation to the efforts of Australian Imperial Forces and Armistice leading to that independence.

A subject of the Imperial Crown as noted in Anderson v Commonwealth 1925 is not a member of the public of either the State or the Commonwealth, with the States being delivered Brevi Manu to the Commonwealth of Australia by way of the Constitution Act July 1900.

The States had already been delivered by the short hand to the Commonwealth of Australia, making the Commonwealth of Australia the parent body and singular body politic of the people as defined in the Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA.

Whereas the people of the States did unite in a Federal Commonwealth of Australia where in the Common Law as per the Judiciary Act 1903 is defined through Constitutional Statute and Referendum change of that Constitution defined at Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA.

Section 117 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution defines that Subjects of the Queen (or King being heir and successor) shall not be subject in another state to any disability or discrimination as the Common Law and body politic of the People is that of the Commonwealth of Australia.  The Common Law applies to the people of a Commonwealth of Australia where in the states were delivered at the short hand to that Commonwealth of Australia.

Common Law is of the Commonwealth and not the States, the States becoming Public Entities under Public Seals with their former Great Seals revoked from them.  This in itself demonstrates the delivery by the short hand of the States supposed to be under the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.

A subject of the Monarch of Australia stands in the lineage afforded them by Australian Imperial Forces setting foundation to the Realm in the Kings Domain.  This is held at a Commonwealth level being the Commonwealth of Australia.

Conclusion 5:  The Common Law of the People is the Commonwealth of Australia by Constitutional Statutes under the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia as defined at Law.  This is afforded under the blessing of Almighty God putting the Holy Scripture in focus as the Royal Law of the Commonwealth of Australia raising Holy Ground out of International Waters at the Declarations of Peace ratified in the Treaty of Versailles.

The joining into the League of Nations demonstrates that independence and severing of law by the State that formerly governed the Commonwealth of Australia and led to Imperial Conference 1926 and the Statute of Westminster 1931.

As subjects of the Crown and Commonwealth of Australia the peoples obligations are to the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit defined in the Kings Domain with foundation stone laid to raise the land out of the waters defining Holy Ground.

United in a Federal Commonwealth under the blessing of Almighty God defines the subjects of the Queen (or King) as pillar anchoring the Heavens to that Holy Ground forging the earth that is the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Common Law is afforded to all subjects of the Crown of the Commonwealth of Australia regardless of the State in which they reside.  That Common Law is linked to the foundations in Holy Ground defined by the blessing of Almighty God.

Not only is the subject of the Queen (or King), defined by their Oath to the Monarch as per the Schedule to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution at Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA, they are defined by that Monarch being in line of Authority under the blessing of Almighty God.