Question 2:

Application of the Preamble of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900, and a Line of Authority to hold Rule of Law.

Answer 2:

The Preamble (s.2)(s.3) to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 is part and parcel (s.3) to the Constitution found at Clause 9 of the Act.  The Australian Government (s.45)(s.88) has, and did attempt to subvert (s.39)(s.40)(s.41)(s.42)(s.109) the Preamble (s.2) although it relies on Clause 5 (s.59) for the foundation to the Australia Act 1986 (s.110)(s.113)(s.115)(s.116) which was installed as Legislation changing Line of Authority within the State (s.114).

The Australia Act 1986 (s.110)(s.113)(s.115)(s.116) was installed without Referendum of the people under Section 128 of the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Act.  To rely on Clause 5 (s.59) to install the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 (s.104) post declarations of war on behalf of (s.39)(s.43) a foreign power did open the door to Request and Consent (s.100) with a Foreign Power post Imperial Conference 1926 (s.99) and Statute of Westminster Act 1931 (s.100).

Imperial Conference 1926 had included signatories to separate the British Empire giving the Commonwealth of Australia independent and sovereign legal status in International Law after the Treaties of Versailles 1919 (s.96).  This had caused the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to install the Statute of Westminster Act 1931 (s.100) abolishing any links or right to govern the Commonwealth of Australia.

Treasurer and to become Prime Minister John Howard (s.39)(s.40) did attempt to subvert (s.40)(s.41) the Preamble (s.2) to the Constitution Act which defines a Line of Authority (s.2)(s.3)(s.4)(s.7)  by making claims against the Monarch as Head of State in Parliamentary presentation (s.40) when Paul Keating was Prime Minister.  John Howard did put to the people two questions (s.41) designed to subvert the line of authority defined in the Preamble (s.2), both questions designed to destroy this line of authority (s.2)(s.3)(s.4)(s.7) in referendum of the people. 

John Howard did commit Act of Treason (s.39) by proposing to alter the Constitution to insert a Preamble suggesting to the Australian People united in a Federal Commonwealth of Australia (s.2) that their unity (s.2)(s.58) in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 did not have a Preamble (s.2).  John Howard did directly attempt to replace (s.40) the Head of State (s.8)(s.14)(s.25)(s.26) under the blessing of Almighty God clearly defined in the Preamble (s.2) to the Commonwealth of Australia Act July 1900 with a President appointed by the Parliament.  John Howard was and is directly outside of Rule of Law (s.73) and a Line of Authority (s.2)(s.3)(s.4)(s.7) in which to make such statements within the Parliament going back as early as 1995 and has committed an Act of Treason (s.39) to the realm (s.8)(s.9)(s.11)(s.13)(s.16)(s.25) directly relevant to King v Casement 1917 (s.39) and Treason to the Realm by subverting (s.40)(s.41) the powers of the Monarchy of the Imperial (Tudor) Realm (s.25).

The Preamble (s.2) defines a line of authority through God, King and Country (s.2) and as per Quick and Garren (s.3) defines the unity (s.2) under the blessing of Almighty God, under the Imperial Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Constitution found at Clause 9 of the Act (s.2). 

Queen Elizabeth the Second under Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia 1954 (s.83)(s.87) did make promise (s.22) to uphold the Law and Custom (s.23) to the Imperial (Tudor) Realm of the Commonwealth of Australia while Compassing of Ecclesiastical Land Claim (s.26)(s.25)(s.24) of God who had forged the foundations (s.28) to the Constitution clearly defined by the Preamble (s.2).

The Parliament does take Oath of Allegiance (s.4)(s.29) to the Monarch under the blessing of Almighty God (s.2)(s.9)(s.14) with the use of Authorized King James Bible during Oath of Office (s.30) before the Judiciary.  John Howard as well as all Prime Ministers are appointed by the Monarch and are under Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Office using the Bible as foundation to that Oath. The Oath of Allegiance is directly relative to the Coronation Oath and is supposed to be a promise to execute the affairs of State of the Commonwealth of Australia by Constitution.

The Preamble (s.2) defines the Line of Authority for the Attorney-General to go on and hold Rule of Law (s.72).

The Preamble to the Constitution Act defines that Line of Authority (s.2)(s.4)(s.8)  at which Prime Minister and Cabinet have continually attempted to undermine by way of pushing for a Republic form of Government (s.40)(s.41) .  The installation of the Australia Act 1986 goes outside of the powers of the Constitution Act July 1900 at which no power may exceed the Constitution at Clause 9 of that Act.  The Great Seal of Australia (s.88) goes outside of the powers of the Constitution Act July 1900 by creation in 1973 long before the Federal Government accepted Letters Patent 1984 and the States accepted the said patent in 1987 after the Australia Act 1986.

The Australia Act 1986 (s.110)(s.113)(s.115)(s.116) did remove the powers of the Governors (s.114) of States giving the Premier extra powers going against Commonwealth vs NSW 1923 (s.97) and Anderson v Commonwealth 1932 (s.101) where in the Commonwealth of Australia was legal owner of the States traditio brevi manu (s.102) with the Crowned Monarch as Lord Paramount (s.97) and the States left with Quasi-sovereignty (s.98).  The Australia Act 1986 did also give the States the ability to subvert the Commonwealth of Australia and join under the Great Seal of Australia (s.87) at which Letters Patent 1900 (s.83) did exist within the States post Letters Patent 1984 (s.114).  The Australia Act 1986 had requested of the Monarch whom had taken Coronation Oath to Australia (s.15) and not the Commonwealth of Australia as defined in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 and ratified in Imperial Conference 1926 (s.99). 

The Coronation Oath (s.15) did also define the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and not Great Britain as per Proclamation (s.12) of George V in response to Royal Style and Parliamentary Titles 1927 (s.11). The British Parliament admitting that the Coronation Oath (s.15) was not in accordance with the Coronation Oath Act 1688 (s.6) and also that it was in line with that of King Edgar of Bath using the Royal Ring of Hanoverian King George IV whom allowed Catholic Relief after Irish Catholics formed against the Protestant Church of England.  The Oaths Act 1867 (s.36) clearly defines the Oath of Office to be in line with George IV and the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1830 (s.35).  Queen Victoria had assumed the Title and Arms of George I (s.37) and banished the Hanoverian Dynasty from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Royal Styles and Titles 1837 (s.38).

The Preamble (s.2) to the Constitution Act July 1900 does not have a separate legislative effect (s.3) and is used to clarify the line of authority and unity of the people of the Commonwealth of Australia in the enclosed Constitution at Clause 9 of the Act and is used to explain the reason, purpose, object and scope of the Constitution Act and included Constitution (s.3).

The Imperial (Tudor) Crown (s.81) and its Realm is a body in whole, and can only be transferred to another Monarchy in whole.  The Commonwealth of Australia is one body politic (s.58) of the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, the States giving up their right as body politic (s.58) to the people under the Constitution Act July 1900.  The Commonwealth of Australia is Realm (s.25) of the Monarch and with such changes would put the Monarch in position of being at war with oneself (s.26)(s.58), a rather repugnant and absurd position.

This Australian Government is outside of the scope (s.55)(s.56)(s.57)(s.58) under the Constitution Act July 1900 and its members have committed Act of Treason (s.39) relative to the line of authority defined in said Preamble (s.2) and the changes to the Commonwealth of Australia under Imperial Conference 1926 (s.99).

Subverting Clause 5 (s.59) of the Constitution Act with the post dated Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 (s.104) after actions by Robert Menzies in 1939 declarations of war (s.103) on behalf of a foreign State can be demonstrated by withdrawal from the war (s.105) and reappointment of troops in alliance with the United States by John Curtin (s.45).

The Parliament gets its authority under the Will and Testimony of the People (s.2) of the Commonwealth of Australia, the people holding a right before the creation of the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Act as demonstrated in the Debates of Federation 1898 and further demonstrated by the construction of the Shrine of Remembrance within a Kings Domain (s.25)(s.26)(s.28). 

The Parliaments authority is derived from the people themselves (s.58) and not the other way around.  Without the foundational land claim (s.26) within the Will and Testimony under the blessing of Almighty God (s.2) the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia could not exist and Commonwealth of Australia Sovereignty (s.45) could not be achieved.

Conclusion 2:

The Preamble to the Constitution Act July 1900 is part and parcel to the Act, and cannot be read otherwise.  The Government relying on Clause 5 of the Act to depend on the Australia Act 1986 defines this Act as being relied upon by this Government by way of Request and Consent post the Statute of Westminster Act 1931.

The current Government has attempted to subvert the line of authority within the Act by pushing for a republic through successive Prime Ministers, members of the Federal Executive Council and Prime Minister and Cabinet after closing the Office of Prime Minister in 1971 and merging the Office with the Department of Cabinet.

John Howards attempts to subvert the Line of Authority by installing a Preamble to the Constitution when one already exists in the Constitution Act can be seen as an Act of Treason, or the use of a Foreign Constitution 1973 not of the Commonwealth of Australia that is forged within the Constitution Act July 1900.  The ongoing attempts by Robert Menzies, John Howard, Malcolm Turnbull and other Prime Ministers and members of the Federal Executive Council to undermine the foundations of the Commonwealth and turn it into a Republic are clear demonstration of Acts of Treason against the people who are the ultimate authority under God.

The Preamble is required and relied upon to define a line of authority in God, King and Country and defines the unity of the People of the States (not the Colonies which became States) and therefore is relied upon as to the reasoning, object and scope of the Constitution found within the Act.  The preamble gives definition to the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Act and cannot be ignored when interpreting the Clauses of the Constitution Act July 1900.  The Preamble gives the States of the Commonwealth of Australia line of authority as public entities under the rule of law of the Commonwealth of Australia, under the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland which falls under the blessing of Almighty God.

The Preamble is part of the Constitution.  This cannot be ignored, and Acts of Treason relative to that Line of Authority cannot be ignored either.  To recognize Clause 5 of the Constitution Act as the core gateway for the Australia Act 1986 would mean that John Howard was fully aware of his actions in Referendum posed in 1999 and the bill to turn Australia in to a Republic, also in 1999.

To rely on the Constitution Act at Clause 5 and ignore the Preamble to the same act by posing to the Australian people the need for a Preamble is relying on the peoples ignorance and demonstrative of this Australian Government attempting to have it both ways, a literal impossibility and the basis for lies and fraud.