Progressing through somewhat of a timeline over the last few facts posts, we start to see a slow progression of change after a rather important separation into independence and sovereignty as a peoples. We have seen how a progression of lineage is held in monarch from Queen Victoria through George V and eventually George VI displaying Crown, Arms, Flags and more on Coronation Train in 1936.

Quick and Garren define the relationship of the people and the monarchy as a political relationship being individual units of the Empire over which Queen Victoria at the time presided. We can see that Subjects of Queen Victoria have rights, privileges, and immunities secured to them by Imperial Laws which can be asserted and enjoyed without hindrance across the entire Empire. We can also see that Treaty obligations may modify to some degree those rights and privileges.

The people of the Commonwealth of Australia as subjects of Queen Victoria and her lineage displayed by George VI are only one group of the subjects of the Queen. As an Empire in 1900, Quick and Garren display an Allegiance to the Crown in total even though the Commonwealth of Australia is only part of that total body of people. This is where the changes post the Great War 1914-1918 layout an order for the "New World" by way of the Treaties at Versailles in 1919.

The changes progressing from the Great War 1914-1918 through to the Statute of Westminster 1931 layout a fractured empire, Edward VIII then abdicates the throne at Westminster in 1936 with Act of the Commonwealth Parliament reflecting this extirpation of choice, George VI displays full regalia of the Commonwealth of Australia under Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia displaying Australia as independent in Coronation Train in Australia 1936.

The Shrine of Remembrance maintains blessing of Almighty God by Stone of Remembrance standing above Crypt Room defining foundations by Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia linking the Crown displayed by George VI and built under George V in 1927 completed in 1934 after Imperial Conference 1926 defined that independence from the Motherland.

Exercise of Power by a Monarch has through several generations in lineage from Queen Victoria, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI been exercised by way of direct inheritance of the blessing of Almighty God to vest Realm and Crown of the people. In 1953, Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland saw powers defined in absence from the Holy Land that is the Commonwealth of Australia defined by Stone of Remembrance.

We can see by Royal Powers Act 1953 that the Governor-General is given the full and absolute position as the Queen while the Queen remains outside of the lands of the Commonwealth of Australia, leaving the full independent position within the hands of the Governor-General including the power of Commander-In-Chief of the Commonwealth Defence Forces.

Exercise of statutory powers by the Queen
(1)  At any time when the Queen is personally present in Australia, any power under an Act exercisable by the Governor-General may be exercised by the Queen.

(2)  The Governor-General has the same powers with respect to an act done, or an instrument made, granted or issued, by the Queen by virtue of this section as the Governor-General has with respect to an act done, or an instrument made, granted or issued, by the Governor-General himself or herself.

(3)  Nothing in this section affects or prevents the exercise of any power under an Act by the Governor-General.

(4)  In this section, references to the Governor-General or to the Queen shall be read as references to the Governor-General, or to the Queen, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council.

We have seen this progression of change, from post war agreements to the independent status in international relations, and separation at law of these now independent countries, yet within the Commonwealth of Australia, at which Clause 8 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA binds the Commonwealth of Australia as a Colony of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and oath to Queen Victoria, is not addressed throughout the history of changes made between the former and now separated motherland.

We can see by Acts Interpretation Act 1966 which is addressed and changed in Acts Interpretation Act 1973 along with many other changes in relation to a former "Commonwealth of". We can see that until 1973 (here 1966) that the United Kingdom is meant to be that of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Herein you have Royal Powers 1953 of the Monarchy of Great Britain by Royal Style and Title 1927, under United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by Parliamentary Style and Title 1927 defining legislation wherein the Commonwealth of Australia still defined the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland until changes made to Acts Interpretation Act 1973.

An Act for the Interpretation of Acts of Parliament and for the Shortening of their Language.

18. In any Act, unless the contrary intention appears---
(a) “The United Kingdom” shall mean the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland:
(b) “British possession” shall mean any part of the King’s dominions exclusive of the United Kingdom, and where parts of such dominions are under both a central and a local legislature all parts under the central Legislature shall for the purpose of this definition be deemed to be one British possession.

A mouthful to comprehend, we see a change continue to occur in the higher ends of governance within the Commonwealth of Australia, with Flags Act 1953 defining National Governance, we see a continuation of the removal of a former Crown by way of the lowering of the Admiralty Ensign in 1967. This change observed all comes after the demise of the currency in the Currency Act 1965 which saw the removal of Gold and Silver precious metals from the coinage, something that is displayed in the changes from the florin through the 50 cent round.

The Minister for the Navy, Mr F Chaney MP, informed the Prime Minister of the Naval Board's decision and the formal approval of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was requested. Royal assent to the new ensign was granted on 7 November 1966.

The formal announcement of the new ensign was made by the Prime Minister on 23 December 1966. Originally it was intended to introduce the new ensign on the 1 May 1967 but this was subsequently amended to 1 March 1967.

Consecration of the Australian White Ensign
Bless, O Lord, this Ensign, which we bless in Thy Name, that those who follow it may be ever mindful of Thy Presence, guided by Thy Will, and guarded by Thy Providence:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

a) Naval Flag was consecrated by Roman Catholic Papist Power
b) The Flag was changed post demise of currency in Currency Act 1965.
c) Non Silver Coinage was put into usage in 1966-1967.

There is much more to the progression in the change of flags, however, here we have the flags of Admiralty going through a large change that is now linked to flags of National Governance made in Flags Act 1953 although now being consecrated under Admiralty Orders rather than National Legislation.

It is with all the surrounding change that is made that we begin to see that post demise of the currency an extra force has begun to take executive administration of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia as proclaimed and gazetted January 1st 1901.

You can see by the Public Service Act 1902 that at Section 15 the Public Service shall consist of four divisions being Administrative, Professional, Clerical and General. This existed and remained in place until the demise of currency saw changes to executive governance take place along with change of flags to reflect that executive administration.

In 1971 we see the full removal of all divisions of Public Service at 3(c) and 3(d) of No. 28 Commonwealth of Australia Government Gazette Monday 15th March 1971. All Second, Third, and Fourth Division Offices of the Prime Ministers Department and the Office of the Cabinet at which the two offices are combined into the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

This gives a rise to power in the Department of the Vice-President of the Executive Council which is formed by all ex Prime Ministers and Governor-Generals of the Commonwealth of Australia.


Abolition and Establishment of Departments and related matters
His Excellency the Governor-General in Council had been pleased to approve:
(1) The abolition, in pursuance of Section 64 of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, of the following Departments of State of the Commonwealth, namely—
     a. The Prime Ministers Department
     b. The Department of the Cabinet Office
(2) The establishment, in pursuance of section 64 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, of the following departments of State of the Commonwealth, namely—
     a. The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
     b. The Department of Vice-President of the Executive Council
(3) The abolition, in purisance of the Public Service Act 1922-1968, of—
     a. the office of the Secretary to the Prime Ministers Department
     b. the office of The Secretary to the Department of the Cabinet Office
     c. all Second, Third and Fourth Division offices in the Prime Ministers Department
     d. all Second, Third and Fourth Division Offices in The Department of the Cabinet Office
(4)the creation, in pursuance of the Public Service Act 1922-1968, of—
     a. an office of The Secretary to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
     b. an office of The Secretary to the Department of Vice-President of the Executive Council
(Approved 12 March 1971—Ex, Min, No. 12)

a) Post change of Admiralty Powers 1967 the State Offices of Four Divisions were abolished.
b) Second, Third and Fourth Division Offices were not recreated.
c) Executive Power was increased
d) Prime Minister was merged with Cabinet into Prime Minister and Cabinet.

We see more drastic changes taking place post World War II, from George VI displaying very specifically the claim of Sovereignty of the People in the Coronation Train 1936 to the change in Monarchy of Elizabeth II including Flags Act and Royal Powers never before required at law, and then the change in Admiralty post demise of the currency in the Currency Act 1965 which goes onto changes in the highest offices of the Parliament of the Commonwealth.

Most will know that these changes then reflect a sacking of an entire government post changes in governance under the Prime Ministership of Gough Whitlam. All these things did not happen overnight, they are slow progression of a shift in power wherein the Commonwealth of Australia is losing its very definition at law.