Following in the previous Facts Part 22 we continue to discuss the Great Seal and its impact of the former colonies of Australia. At the formation of the Commonwealth of Australia the Colonies were delivered by the short hand to the Commonwealth of Australia in their transformation into States of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Anderson v Commonwealth 1925 clearly defines this fact quoted to state that the subjects rights over the public administration of assets which was sugar in this instance was considered "traditio brevi manu" to the Commonwealth of Australia. We can also see through Commonwealth v NSW 1923 that the States right to land is considered to be one under the King the Supreme Head of the Commonwealth of Australia. This 1923 case directly reflects a Commonwealth Claim that exists and with the people of the States agreeing to unite in a singular body politic under the blessing of Almighty God under a Crown and Kingdom and Constitution established, the States and their Governors are limited by the body politic of the people.

We can see through Facts 25 and 26 that a Land Claim that is Holy Ground lifted up a Commonwealth of Australia out of International Waters and defined boundary, custom and culture before the International Community to be a defended claim post the Great War 1914-1918.

The States eventually find themselves lacking a Great Seal and subordinate to the united body politic of the people in a Federal Commonwealth of Australia established by Debates of Federation and vote of the people.

Clause 8 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 defines the former Colonial Boundaries Act 1865 to be repealed with the Commonwealth of Australia becoming one putting the role of the former colonies into Statehood. Without the ability to manage boundaries or borders the States of the Commonwealth of Australia were under Constitutional Agreement to act in Public Service and were issued with lower seals called Public Seals.

The people had voted to be one land mass, one singular boundary where a Common Law applied to all within Australia. In this federal unity and a common thread of law the people would have the power of referendum and trial by jury of their powers to modify that common law. The States of the Commonwealth of Australia are bound from this inception to Clause 5 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 making them all obligated to the case law of Federal Chapter III Courts.

The Public Seal of the State of Queensland currently in use by Paul de Jersey displays the Imperial Crown on the State Emblem with shield displaying the Coat of Arms of the State of Queensland.
Letters Patent 1925

III. Public Seal.
And we do hereby authorize and empower Our said Governor to keep and use the Public Seal and use the Public Seal of Our said State for sealing all things whatsoever that shall pass the said Public Seal: and until a Public Seal shall be provided for the State the Great Seal formerly used for the Colony of Queensland shall be used as the Public Seal of the State.

a) Our State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1925
b) Our Governor of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1925
c) The Public Seal of the State of Queensland was issued under the Great Seal of Great Britain and Ireland and not the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia 1900
d) The Public Seal of Queensland was issued after the creation of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth.
e) States were issued Public Seals in place of Great Seals of the Colonies.
f) Clause 5 of the Constitution Act defines the States Line of Authority.
h) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ceased to exist in 1927.

In Part III of Letters Patent 1925 reconstituting the Office of Governor of Queensland it is clear that the former colonies Great Seal of Queensland was used until the issuance of a Public Seal. We have already seen how Section 110 of the Constitution at Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA states that the Constitution extends and applies to the Governor of State.

The actions in Letters Patent 1925 are preparation by the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the division of the crown that was occurring through the Imperial Conferences 1923 to 1926 where in 1926 the Commonwealth of Australia was defined a Sovereign and Independent Nation in accordance with covenants signed at the Treaties of Versailles in 1919.

Letters Patent 1925 demonstrates by the changes it makes in reducing the capacity of the State from a Great Seal to a lower and Public Seal that the State's by Crown were linked to the Commonwealth of Australia with these letters leading to Imperial Conference 1926 severing Rule of Law out of Westminster which is finally expressed in Statute of Westminster 1931 UK/PGA.


Constitution Act 1902 No 32

9H Public Seal of the State
(1) The Governor shall provide, keep and use the Public Seal of the State.
(2) The seal which, immediately before the commencement of the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1987, was used as the Public Seal of the State shall continue to be so used until a new seal is provided by the Governor.

We can see here by New South Wales Public Act 1902 that the State of New South Wales provided for the Governor to keep and use the Public Seal of New South Wales. Above you can see the Public Seal of New South Wales issued under George VI in 1936. To be noted here as already demonstrated in use on Coronation Train at Penrith in 1936 the Imperial (Tudor) Crown is displayed atop the Royal Crest.

Galatians 4:1-2 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.