Fact Series Part 11

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The Royal Guelphic Order (German: Guelphen-Orden), sometimes referred to as the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, is a Hanoverian order of chivalry instituted on 28 April 1815 by the Prince Regent (later King George IV). It takes its name from the House of Guelph, of which the Hanoverians were a branch. Since Hanover and the United Kingdom shared a monarch until 1837, the order was frequently bestowed upon British subjects. - Robertson, Megan C. (2 April 2007)

Soon after he reached the age of 21, the prince became infatuated with Maria Fitzherbert. She was a commoner (though granddaughter of a baronet), six years his elder, twice widowed, and a Roman Catholic. Nevertheless, the prince was determined to marry her. This was in spite of the Act of Settlement 1701, which barred the spouse of a Catholic from succeeding to the throne, and the Royal Marriages Act 1772, which prohibited his marriage without the King's consent. - Parissien, p. 64, Smith, E. A., p. 33

An Act for the Relief of His Majesty’s Roman Catholic Subjects
Whereas by various Acts of parliament certain restraints and disabilities are imposed on the Roman Catholic subjects of his Majesty, to which other subjects of his Majesty are not liable, and whereas it is expedient that such restraints and disabilities shall be from henceforth discontinued, and whereas by various Acts certain oaths and certain declarations, commonly called the declarations against transubstantiation and the invocation of saints and the sacrifice of the mass, as practised in the Church of Rome, are or may be required to be taken, made, and subscribed by the subjects of his Majesty as qualifications for sitting and voting in parliament and for the enjoyment of certain offices, franchises, and civil rights, be it enacted ... that from and after the commencement of this Act all such parts of the said Acts as require the said declarations, or either of them, to be made or subscribed by any of his Majesty's subjects as a qualification for sitting and voting in parliament or for the exercise or enjoyment of any office, franchise, or civil right, be and the same are (save as hereinafter provided and excepted) hereby repealed.

36. OATHS ACT 1867 PART 2
Oaths of office and allegiance

1 Oath substituted for the oaths and declaration now prescribed by law      
In every case where but for the passing of this Act it would be necessary for any person to take the oaths commonly called the oaths of allegiance supremacy and abjuration or any of them or the oath prescribed by the Act of Parliament commonly called the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1830 or to make the declaration prescribed by the Act of Parliament passed in the ninth year of the reign of King George IV chapter 17 and whensoever it shall be necessary for any person to take the oath of allegiance it shall be sufficient for such person to take in lieu of the said several oaths and declaration the following oath of allegiance—

‘I A.B. do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, as lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom, Australia, and her other Realms and Territories, and to Her Heirs and Successors, according to law.’;

anything in the said Acts of Parliament or in any other statute Act or law notwithstanding.

4 Name of the Sovereign
In case of the demise of Her Majesty (whom may God long preserve) the name of Her Majesty’s successor for the time being shall be substituted in the form of oath instead of the name of Her Majesty.

a) Oath of Office, or Affirmation of Office is required to sit in Office.
b) Commonwealth of Australia is defined a Dominion by Imperial Conference.
c) Oaths Act 1867 separates Acts of Parliament, Statute Act and Law
d) What separates therefore is separate.
e) What includes therefore excludes what is not included.
f) Oaths Act defines God preserving the Sovereign
g) Oath to Queen Elizabeth the Second is in-line with George IV Ch.17.
h) The Oath relies on Roman Catholic Relief Act of George IV.